4 years


June 2021 makes my pottery business four years. What a ride! I must say.

I felt like it started off with a big head dive and lots of adjustments required year after year. Volume of work, self expectation, motherhood, self esteem and mental health. All went through some difficult time and crashed with my capacity. Then pandemic hit. Like everyone else, I too had huge wobbles along with home learning, but here I am. I am still making and imagining next phase of my creations. 

I can honestly say that all with wonderful people who trusted the value of my work and encouragement helped me through. I am so grateful.

Potter’s dream, that I once gave up many years ago, is going strong. And something more exciting will be coming. I’ll keep you posted. 

If you have seen my journey for a while now, thank you so much for being here. 


end of summer

