Welcome (+ old blog post link)


Hi everyone. It’s Maki here. If you are new to my website, welcome.

Did you know my old blog, shin shin, started in June 2010? Time flies! I wasn’t even a potter or a mother. It was my first big step to show up myself in the online space and has been such milestones for sure. I used Blogspot (is anyone still using it??) and created two versions, English and Japanese (shin shin jp). Shin Shin holds so much history in itself and it has helped me connect to people from all over the world, including my home country Japan.

As it’s coming to my ten years for using Blogspot platform and I have decided to start afresh here within my website. I have been thinking about transferring the old ones into here for a while, but the volume is far too big (672 posts in total!) and I’m not that tech either, so I will just leave as it is. (until if I ever have time to solve that?)

Whilst speaking on video or podcast isn’t my strength, having a space to write is important to me and somewhere more permanently than social media, because you know, the latter can be too fast moving for me sometimes. Topics I write about is not always about pottery. That might sound a bit of a jumble to some but if you know me, then you know by now that I often talk about “other” stuff that I care or I simply just ponder stuff. So will see how this space unfolds. 

I have listed my old blog snippets from last decade. If you are up for some reading, please click the title and it will take you to the original post. 

Thank you for visiting. Bye for now. m x


I am not immune to harm